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Showing posts from September, 2020

Manasik Umrah

  The Umrah starts with wearing Ihram and making the Niyyah for Umrah at the time of crossing the prescribed Miqat point. The Ihram for gents are simple two-piece unstitched garment. During the Manasik Umrah, a person can change Ihram many times, but it is mandatory for them to remain in it till the time the Umrah is completed. The Ihram for women is the full dress that they wear daily. But a particular dress must be separated and classified as her Ihram. Anas bin Maalik (RA) said, “The pilgrims and those who perform Umrah are the delegations of Allah. He will give them whatever they ask for, answer their supplications and He will give them better than what they spend. Every Dirham will be multiplied by a thousand.” (Baihaqi) More Info: