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Showing posts from August, 2018

The Pillars of Umrah

During Umrah and Hajj, there are many religious acts carried out in order to fulfill the pilgrimage. Some of them are Pillars which are obligatory and some are recommended. It is important that you understand these and fulfill the pillars in order for it to be accepted. The Pillars of Umrah are 1. Ihram the Hajj clothes 2. Tawaf circumbulation of the Ka'bah 3. Sa’ee going between Safaa and Marwah 4. Shaving or Trimming your Hair. Any other action, such as praying two rakah behind Makam –e- Ibrahim, drinking Zam- Zam water are recommended (mandoub). After arranging for your residence, proceed to the Haram Sharif to perform Umrah. THE RITES OF UMRAH: The only rites of Umrah are: ·        Ghusl for Ihram ·        2 rak’ahs for Ihram ·        Entering the state of Ihram ·        Tawaf of Ka’bah ·        Two Rakat A...

Muslim Departing For Hajj From America

The moment of the year is here. It's just one week remaining now to fulfill the holiest deed. You can see the excitement level of the Muslims departing from America for Hajj. May Allah bless them and accept their pilgrimage!