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Showing posts from July, 2016

Economy Hajj Package $6500

Silver Makkah Hajj Package $7995

The Concept of Adoption in Islam

It was said by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that a person who takes care of an orphan will be in paradise with him and they will be as close as two fingers of one hand. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) laid special focus on the on the care of the children. He also adopted a slave and gave him the same care and affection as if he were his own son. In Quran it is mentioned: “Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?  And He found you wandering, and He gave you guidance.  And He found you in need, and made you independent.  Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness, nor drive away a petitioner (unheard).  But the bounty of the Lord – rehearse and proclaim!” (Qur’an 93:6-11) Allah through Quran has provided Muslims with specific rules and guidelines for adoption. Quran clearly states the rules involving the legal Islamic relationship between the adopted child and his or her adoptive parents/ family. Islam discourages to hide anything about the chi...

Best Economy Hajj Packages 2016 USA

Welcome to Dawn Travel, located in Manhattan, New York, is proud to offer Economy Hajj Packages 2016 to Muslims in the United States. Dawn Travels  has the experience and knowledge to run  a successful operation gained all the way through years of knowledge. Having provided the Hajj & Umrah services for Muslim USA for the Last 20 years, Dawn Travels feels proud to present the most excellent among all. We have a corporation with Saudi Hajj ministry official agent and top rated Makkah and Madinah Hotels in order to offer reliable and excellent service. 

Make Du’aa During Hajj 2016

Chalk down all the things you need. Take a deep breath, do Wudu and perform a prayer. At the end of the prayer. Make du’aa and ask Allah Almighty to provide you with the help, time and resources to perform Hajj in the best and blessed way this year. Only Allah can make it happen. All you have got to do is make du’aa and believe. Read More: Hajj TipsAdvice